Transformation & B-BBEE

Transformation & B-BBEE​ | How can we help you?

  • Scorecard assessment & strategy
  • Ownership strategy & implementation
  • Access/introduction to Black Owned/Black Woman Owned companies/Individuals
  • Preferential procurement assessment, strategy & implementation
  • Supplier & enterprise development strategy & implementation
  • Skills Development solutions – Learners, Artisans/Apprentices, Interns, Disabled and Absorption
  • YES programme management and hosting

Target Audience | Governance & Mentorship

  • Business Owners
  • Leaders
  • Managers whose primary focus is the B-BBEE
  • Strategy or Ownership or Procurement elements of the B-BBEE scorecard

Key Services | Transformation & B-BBEE

  • B-BBEE Health check – 1 day – face to face review of scorecard and strategy
  • B-BBEE Tune up – 3 days – Starts with a Health check and follows with full strategy and operational plan review
  • B-BBEE Overhaul – 5 days – Includes Health check, Tune-up and deep dives into action plans and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to ensure delivery on action plans
  • Ownership Option analysis – 1 day review of scorecard, ownership status, desired outcome and option analysis
  • Confidential Partner sourcing and/or vetting
  • Preferential Procurement – various packages available to assess current status, optimisation of Supplier and/or Enterprise Development spend/s, integration of ESD program, optimisation of Preferential Procurement process and integration into the whole business
  • Skills Development Solutions – a variety of solutions and service providers to obtain optimal flexibility and maximum points under each metric of the scorecard
  • Yes programme management and hosting

Complete the form below for our package details


I know that I need to have Black Ownership to get to Level 4 or better, but what are my options? How do I find the right partner/s for my business? What is my business worth? What is my exit strategy if I want to have one?

We keep spending money rather than investing in our procurement supply chain. How can we turn spend into investment?

Client Commitment

We believe that the true spirit of transformation is key to a successful and sustainable South Africa. Our role is to help clients build meaningful and sustainable long-term strategies, programmes and solutions in the transformation process

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.